Fall 2007 Run Schedule
November 24, 2007
Raw Deal/Upper Terminator/Lower Terminator
Leader: Steve Schaefer
Meet at the Table Mesa exit off of the I-17 at 8:30am we pull out at 9:00am. We will meet on the west side of the highway where the pavement ends.
These trails are difficult, make sure you are prepared. People above will be fine, but if don't know you, it would be a good idea to inquire before attending.
Raw Deal/Upper Terminator/Lower Terminator
Leader: Steve Schaefer
Meet at the Table Mesa exit off of the I-17 at 8:30am we pull out at 9:00am. We will meet on the west side of the highway where the pavement ends.
These trails are difficult, make sure you are prepared. People above will be fine, but if don't know you, it would be a good idea to inquire before attending.
If anyone has some "free" time Friday PM, Hughes and Myself will be going to that fine establishment on 7h street.
Give me a ring if you want to join the madness.
Back seat is coming out, so I only have one. Stripper can straddle the spare.
I might be free Friday night so I may give you a call. Might get hurt eating to much turkey and need a bandaid.
Tell Jim I said hello.