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kctopher 05-05-2003 07:28 AM

Raytown Rd. is ALIVE!!
These were taking this weekend from some buddies I work with.. I think everyone is mostly stock but still looks like they had a good ole time..


Ric 05-05-2003 08:16 AM

someplace close.

yes i also would be glad to help with KSROCKSPARK just let em know.

Ric 05-05-2003 08:24 AM

hey, maybe we could hit Raytown rd. this weekend ?? what ya guys think ?

Ranski 05-05-2003 03:38 PM


I no for a fact they will be looking for help getting the new area ready to wheel.

RicNkc...I realize your egroup discussion didn't go well as i'm a member of the group as well. All I can say is based on my first meeting this past Saturday, everybody was real friendly and eager to greet new people.

As for the no reply when requesting info, that kindda thing happens from time to time with volunteer organizations unfortunatley. As the VP of the KC Climbing Club, I often find it difficult to get back to everyone requesting information due to taking care of all those other things going on in our lives.

These are not meant as excuses for the KC4WDA rather another point of view.

I am always of the opinion that if you don't like the way something is handled and you have a passion for a particular interest. Join Up and help out.

I hope to see you guys at the next meeting. I plan on going on my first run with the club at Montauk this month. I'll let you know how that goes.

Ric 05-05-2003 03:42 PM

thankx for input, i have sence talk to ya few, via yahoo, and yes, for the most part, they seem to be pretty nice, im still thinking about going to one of there meetings, but the timing is always off.

Ric 05-11-2003 07:35 AM

so who all is planning on going ? where can we meet ? what time ? im still working on a few buddies with stock trucks, got camera in hand, lol.

Ckretintimidator 05-12-2003 05:03 PM

Guys, sorry I've been absent for a while, finals and all that jazz has kept me busy.
The turnpike starts in Bonner Springs, KS, what say we meet there at 9 to give time for the drive out? We could meet at the toll station, or just after it or something. I think there is some parking. Or pull up off the highway, there is a Wendy's and gas station there.


Ranski 05-12-2003 08:47 PM

F.Y.I. - they have moved the toll booths a little farther east on I-70.

However, you are correct there is a Wendy's and a gas station off of K-7 at the Intersection of I-70.

There is a Waffle House as well :bounce: That would be a great place for you guys to fill your stomach before the long ride to Tuttle :drink:

Remember to take lots of pics!

Ckretintimidator 05-13-2003 08:51 AM

Good, Ric, there is some more info on the area. Like I said in my PM, I'll need to get some gas, but I'll have already eaten at home cause I'm cheap.


Ric 05-13-2003 07:30 PM

have you ever been there ? is there any good places to break for lunch/dinner ? should we bring our own food ? etc. this is my FIRST real run, so let me know the details.

Ckretintimidator 05-14-2003 02:11 PM

I've been to Tuttle once, so I'm not super familiar with it. There isn't anywhere close to eat, I think the closest is like 10 miles. I think I will have a cb...not sure yet. Let's say meet at the gas station right at the I-70/ K-7 junction, should be to the south of it, at 9.
I think it would be better to bring any food you want to eat, since then we won't have to drive to town or a gas station or anything.


Ric 05-14-2003 06:54 PM

sounds great, ill have one other guy for sure, i cant wait to .....
pop my cherry, lmao, hey bring a camera, as ill do the same.

Ranski 05-14-2003 07:37 PM

possible location for next get together
Hey guys, here is another possible location for the next get together. www.jdorv.com

The KC4WDA has swithced their trip on the 24th to this park. I'll be heading down with them and will report back.

You guys have fun this weeknd and don't let the testosterone influnece poor decisions ;)

A wise man once said "Cash is better spent on mods rather than repairs"

I only live 3 miles from the K-7/I-70 interchange. I might come up Saturday morning and meet you guys before you head out.

Ric 05-15-2003 06:55 AM

sounds good, hope ya could come up and meet us, maybe give me a few pointers.

Ckretintimidator 05-15-2003 10:57 AM

So far I do not have a CB. My dad is looking for his old hand held one so maybe I'll get that by Saturday. If not, just look for the balck/grey '84 with a bobbed bed, lift and Swampers.


Ric 05-15-2003 01:43 PM

sounds good, did u get my PM ?

Ckretintimidator 06-02-2003 02:23 PM

the report....
The run was a blast, even if only Ric and I went, my buddy with a Cj5 lost an axle bearing on the way to meet us, and the others chickened out.
Ric got it pretty good, swamping a little bit of his interior in a huge mud hole and slicing up a tire on the rocks, also, he lead us up a trail that deadended on the side of a steep hill and there was no place to turn around!
Pics should be up sometime soon.

What ever happened with your tires? Did you get them replaced?

Also, I almost forgot.
I was going home and a state trooper pulled me over for not having a drivers side mirror( I took it off for more clearance, good thing 'cause it would have come off on that tree that weekend anyhow), and for driving crooked down the road. Looked under the rig and my rear axle had shifted backwards on the right side about six inches! Dang alluminum lift blocks! I sheared the pins off of them, must have been during my assault on the rock ledges there.
Anyhow, an hour later at a rest stop and it was mostly straight. Now it's got steel Superlift blocks and some different springs under it.

Ric 06-02-2003 02:34 PM

yeppers, Goodyear stood behind there tires, heres what happened, i walked in to the Goodyear store on barry rd., asked the guy, "do you stand behind the products you sell ?" he said, ofcoarse we do, why, so i said follow me, took him outside and showed him a slice on the tread about 6-8 inches long, all he could say was "wow" just then the owner came out, looked at it, asked if i got the road hazzard, i said yes, he said "we will take care of it" i got a brand new one at no charge, so i went ahead and ordered another for the spare......
im ready to go back.

Ckretintimidator 06-02-2003 02:38 PM

Friggin' sweet Ric!!!
Bet that saved you some money!
How'd your pics turn out?
Mine are great, specially the ones in that huge mud hole.


upndair 06-02-2003 05:15 PM

So where are all the pics??

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